‘KuklArt’ Magazine


KuklArt Magazine is the only puppet theatre magazine in Bulgaria. Specialized edition of the Association of Puppet Theaters (AKT) – UNIMA, Bulgaria. It was based on the idea of Kyriakos Argyropoulos – longtime director of the Sofia Puppet Theatre. It is published once a year in December. The first issue appeared in 2008, and the editor-in-chief of the magazine until 2019 is Nikola Vandov. The first full-color print of KuklArt was realized with its 10th anniversary issue, and from 12th issue the covers of its editions are with author’s illustrations, painted especially for the edition.


The magazine has its own time-tested rubrics, including:

Theory, history, experience and controversy, in which we try to introduce important theoretical treatises in the field of puppet theater. To open a window to a certain excerpt from the world or Bulgarian puppet history or to share valuable experience that has an impact on the puppet theatre practice in our country.

Personalities, in which we strive to preserve the memory of the great figures associated with the Bulgarian or world puppet theater. Reserved area for valuable interviews.

Festivals and forums, in which we traditionally reflect festivals that have taken place this year. Each of these festivals is covered by a theatre critic who prepares a review of critical material for the festival.

Reviews, which is the only place in the print media in our country, reserved for professional operational criticism in the field of puppet theater. There, young theater critics have the opportunity to publish theater reviews of the most interesting and significant puppet shows that took place on theater stages in Bulgaria and abroad last season.

Information, in which the emphasis is on the spectaclography, which is a peculiar chronicle of the entire Bulgarian puppet theater. In other words – the alphabet of all performances and their creative teams who came out with the premiere during the year in the state and municipal puppet and drama-puppet in Bulgaria. The same head also covers the Sivina Award, as well as the Icarus nominations and awards, as well as information related to the UNIMA International Association.

In memoriam is a place where we pay tribute to the great personalities who transformed the puppet theatre and theatrical language, who left us during the year.


Every year the magazine invites a new artist to illustrate the 1st and 4th cover, as well as the inner body of the edition with author’s illustrations painted especially for him. The first two artists (12th and 13th issues) are Lyuba Haleva and Damyan Damyanov.

Its permanent graphic designer from 1st issue is Maya Georgieva.


Editorial board of KuklArt magazine

Prof. Vasil Rokomanov, PhD.

Vera Stoykova

Victor Boychev

Prof. Zheni Pashova

Kiryakos Argyropoulos

Prof. Maya Petrova

Marieta Golomehova

Mihail Baykov, PhD. – Editor-in-chief

Nikola Vandov

Prof. Slavcho Malenov


KuklArt magazine is published with the financial support of the National Culture Fund.

ISSN: 1313-3276